Monday, April 14, 2008

Car Wash

After about 2 months...i finally decided to wash my car. Washing car is on one of my dislike to do list as its such a tough job. I know you'd be thinking what's so difficult about washing a car... you'll know..... i took about 4 hrs to wash my mini Kenari . It was so freaking tiring... and at the end of the process my car wasn't completely clean either....i think some dirt has decided to become permanent and can't come off anymore. Anyway i decided to wash my rims this time (check out the before after photo) was so gross. The black dirt seeped into the cracks on my broken fingernails and permanently stained it!
I sustained injuries from the car wash process. All 10 of my fingernails either broke or cracked. One fingernail even cracked inward about 1/3. My right index finger knuckle, a whole chunk of skin droped off - it was so painful :(

My hands were so ugly as the nails were all cracked and stained. So i did some manicure to cover the ugliness. Ta my nails so bling bling somore.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha... you took 4 hours to wash your car? It took me only 3 hours to wash + wax. Tip; if your car is too dirty, drive your car to the drive thru car wash 1st, then only do a throughout wash after that. That way, there won't be so much grime and dirt. And wax your car also, it help keep the shine for some time.

mayleng said...

I poor ma...cannot afford drive through car wash - everything must DIY.

Kevin said...

Nice nails, you were always very good in doing that.Try to use gloves next time, so you won't hurt your fingers anymore.

Anonymous said...

may leng.... so long i did not come many stories... ha ha ha..the door lock story cute laaaa..... and the penyiasat stori funny oso.... hahaha...

zue. =P

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!