Monday, November 05, 2007

Traffic Jams and Penang Drivers

There was a huge traffic jam on my way to work, due to some minor 3-car accident. Penangites being themselves, many slowed down to watch the commotion (i bet some jot down the car numbers to bet on 3D/4D). Anyway it caused very slow moving traffic along the bukit jambul road. Being bored i started to look around, and was surprised that the scenery was quite scenic. Rarely do we see greens so green in town areas. Ironic isn't it? I've past that road million of times everyday to work and back home. Yet i never took the time to enjoy the view along the drive. Driving has become some sort of rat race between cars. Everyone wants to get to first. If your reaction is slow by a few micro seconds, another car will surely jump your que. Either that or you will get honked rudely (it really spoils your mood for the day). Driving should be an enjoyable activity - instead its full of frustration. I think its good that sometimes, we take a break from our hectic lives, just for a brief moment, harvest the joys of life. It could be as simple as taking the time to stop by your garden in the morning to smell the fragrant flowers, smile in the mirror when brushing your teeth in the morning, taking a picture of a scenic view on the way to work (like i did), pay a simple compliment to your co-worker or showing courtesy on the road. Believe me, it will make the rest of the day much brighter :)

Beautiful greens surrounding the road - sort of like a valley :) but traffic jam below :(

Changing topic....

I love pedicures :) Somehow i think something is wrong with my toenails. They don't grow very fast. Hence my pedicures are able to last for months! Here's one that i did a month ago....till today it still looks new!

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