Thursday, August 07, 2008

Sense of motherhood? Oh no :O

I had this really peculiar feeling last weekend. I 'm still trying to brush it off as nothing...
I was sitting at a table at Gurney foodcourt while Keith and Boogie went to order food. Sitting there without anything to do, I glanced around looking at the people around me. The foodcourt was fairly crowded but someone caught my attention. It was this pregnant lady, I think she was most probably in her 2nd trimester. I was watching her doing the pregnant penguin walk towards a table nearby and unconsciously I wondered how it would feel like to be a mother myself. And for about 5 microseconds I actually felt for a brief moment the feeling of maternity and it felt wonderful. I don’t know how to describe the moment, but it was this beautiful warm feeling that radiates from the heart kinda thing.

As swiftly as the thought planted itself in my head, logic pulled me back to reality. I realized that the day is still very far away for me. I’m no where there and I’m no way prepared either. Being a mom? Nah!!! Not happening…..Damn my hormones are making me behave like an aunty already….Shitzzz!

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